Tag: PodCast
Overview :
Many blackberry users is also a Podcast enthusiasts, they hope they can listen and subscribe the podcasts on their mobile phone. BlackBerry OS 7 can be through some way to subscribe to the Podcast,and in the BlackBerry 10 , BlackBerry also launched the native Podcast applications, and conducted an upgrade. Bug fixes, you can disable the data download, you can minimize the activity boxes,you can restore the deleted material, and you also can fast forward/back 10 seconds or 30 seconds faster. If you're either Z10 user or like podcasts , it must remember to been updated.
File Size: 168 KB
Required Device Software Operating System: 10.0.0 or higher
Audio Podcast Player for BlackBerryVideo podcast will be add on the next update
This is not a podcast catcher
I will be updating this app very soon with more features and podcast please be patient thank you.