Tag: Flat 9780 themes
Overview :
Flat Design for blackberry 9800,97xx os6 themes
For more themes & wallpaper :
Notes :
* Compatiable to all OS 5 & OS 6 & OS 7 devices
* If you have any problem, please contact me before
a posting review. I can't see who you are
and therefore can't respond in reviews.
* If you get a problem to install the theme,
go to appworld - my world - press hold alt + R S T
Then go back to appworld - my world - press menu
- choose refresh - then check the uninstall list.
should be the theme ready to re-install now
* I'm really appreciated if you give a good feedback
and 5 stars rating :)
* I recommend you to restart your phone after applying this theme
Compatible: BlackBerry 9700, 9650, 9780, 9800 OS 6.0
Compatible: BlackBerry 9700, 9650, 9780, 9800 OS 6.0