Tag: bold 9650 themes 97xx themes Matcha
Overview :
Matcha for blackberry 97xx,9650 bold themes
size: 622 kb
model: Blackberry 9650, 9700(Bold2), 9780, 9788, Dakota, Apollo
Matcha verdant color theme to gentler to the main interface of the main interface is simple design four leaves represent four gradient the excessive animation to use custom shortcut icon theme OS7 icons
Theme features:
1: new original OS7 icon theme!
2: simple design of the main screen
3: capacity is optimized only 500KB-700KB will not let the system is not smooth
4: Subject novel verdant color fresh and elegant ~
5: the main interface with the dynamic effects of the gradient (OS5 support is required)
6: The rich texture button and select Article
7: The main screen has four custom icon location

i hope you like it. enjoy!