Tag: 9780 themes iBerry OS6.0 ios
Overview :
iBerry 4 v1.3 for 96xx,9700,9780 themes os6.0
Blackberry 96XX Tour (Niagara) Series (480*360):9600, 9630, 9650(Tour2), 9670, 9700(Bold2), 9780, 9788
PS: Experience version of the theme; like this theme you can click here to directly purchase
[Please note, make sure you purchase the correct version for your OS. Curve 9300 users, an update is coming soon to bring you OS6 compatibility.]
Introducing iBerry 4 - the iPhone Simulator, by BlingBerry Themes.
After creating the #1 best selling Mac OS theme in the world, the BlingBerry team is back again. We weren't satisfied with the current iPhone themes on the market, none of them were as accurate as they claimed, so we set out to change that.
iBerry 4 - the iPhone Simulator is more than just a theme, we consider it a simulation of the iPhone, ported to your BlackBerry device.