Tag: bold pink 97xx HeartBeat 96xx
Overview :
free HeartBeat PINK SEVEN for 97xx,9650 bold themes
size: 653 kb
model: 9650, 9700, 9780
Unique clock ( 2 tones font colors ) and 12hours or 24hours style are perfect!
Fully own made custom text icons
Breathing focus icon effect
Hidden dock with 6 user definable icons ( non touch devices)
Hidden dock with 5 user definable icons ( 9100 & 9670)
Hidden dock with 4 user definable icons ( touch devices)
Hidden today ( work perfect for both OS 5 and OS 6 devices)
Clickable clock and signal
Wallpaper lover ( almost fit with all wallpapers)
Weather slot ( hideable with Escape button )
Clean, fast, functional, stylish and easy to use

i hope you like it. enjoy!!