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Akiba theme for 9800,97xx,9650,93xx themes os6

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Tag: 9780 themes Akiba
Overview :

Akiba theme for 9800,97xx,9650,93xx themes os6 by blackberryRC.com

Autumn, green leaves will turn yellow from green, can you know why? Leaves the reason is because the leaves are green chlorophyll. In addition to the green pigment in leaves, there are red pigment, yellow pigment, and many other colors, only a small quantity of it. In the fall, the green pigment slowly faded, red pigment, yellow pigment will be exposed, so that the woods become a golden or a red, very nice.
Akiba commonly used to describe the thoughts, but also sustenance for family and friends deeply missed.

The theme is free, and support BlackBerry 9650, 9700, 9780, 9300, 9330, 9800 running OS 6.0



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