Tag: bold Wallpaper 9788 theme
Overview :
Hello, WallPaper! Plus themes
An adjusted theme from default theme of BlackBerry Bold 9700 Series OS6.0.
I made this theme is just want make sure the wallpaper will be shown great, and I do like the effect of default OS6.0 theme.
The version of this theme is 0.9.0 not 1.0. (Version 1.0.0 will be present in a long long time future)
It's because there's still some little tiny things can be and need to be fixed.
Please feel free for use this theme, and you can also share it to your friends or everyone (every BBer) who is useing Bold 9780. But please do your best to keep this zip file complete. THX.
size: 462 kb
model: 9650, 9700, 9780, 9788