Tag: bold 9650 themes 97xx themes Haven
Overview :
free Haven for blackberry 97xx, 9650 bold themes
size: 527 kb
model: blackberry 9700, 9780, 9788, 9650
Many a times when you aren’t having a good day a sudden look at a beautiful wallpaper on your device is all it takes to take a breather and forget for a while about all your troubles. The newest theme out from The World Of Pootermobile gives you a wide open view of your wallpaper just for those not-so-good days. As a heavy BlackBerry® theme user myself the times I change my wallpaper everyday are varied, but I can tell you one thing, a very wallpaper friendly theme is important. With a very nice style making it look like if the wallpaper is being peeled revealing a weather slot and vertical status Haven is a breathe of fresh air for your BlackBerry®. Grab Haven and find a refuge right on your device!
Weather slot w/ vertical status (vertical status not on landscape homescreen, landscape homescreen didn’t wanna play nice with the SVG)
Manage connections shortcut on signal meter
Wallpaper friendly with a peel back look
No carrier
Transitions throughout

i hope you like it. enjoy!!