Tag: bold Moon 9780 themes
Overview :
Moon v1.0 for blackberry 9650, 9700, 9780 themes os6.0
File Size: 952 KB
model: bold 9650, 9700, 9780

Moon is a theme with innovative clean design!! At the home screen, Time/Wifi/Alarm displayed in the big circle, and the small circle is the symbol of battery, will turn around with the big circle as times goes by! So we call it MOON! Besides, it is a theme with full original OS7 icons and delicate design in each detail as well! Worth each Penny!
1. A theme with original OS7 icons, as perfect as the default theme;
2. Clean and Elegant home screen
3. Only takes up 500k, will not slow your system;
4. Vivid zoom in/out effect;
Tips: The small circle will become red when battery lower than 20%, And when charging, it will turn to purple.
To activate the theme after successfully downloading: Navigate to Options - Theme - Select the desired Theme and activate. To uninstall a theme plz delete it in the application list.
Guarantee satisfaction:
If you find a bug or have a feedback, kindly write email to us, we can assist you well or provide revision asap, because we could not reply App World Reviews. Let's make a great app together! :)