Tag: 9800 themes Rapid
Overview :
free Rapid v1.0 For OS6 Devices
author: TWP
For the first time The World Of Pootermobile has released a BlackBerry 6 style theme. And what better way to do it but by giving it for free! Rapid is more than just a BlackBerry 6 theme with different icons, it is elegant and very nice to look at. With a unique homescreen banner Rapid holds everything you need and doesn't look weird when focusing on it for your connections page. Enjoy Rapid on your BlackBerry 6 device as a goodie from The World Of Pootermobile for celebrating 1 year of bringing free and premium themes to everyone!
Compatible Devices
BlackBerry: Bold 9650, Bold 9700, Bold 9780, Pearl 9100 3G, Pearl 9105 3G, Style 9670, Torch 9800