Tag: bold 9900 themes ELEGANT
Overview :
BEAT ELEGANT for blackberry 9900/9930/9981 OS7 themes - "BEAT ELEGANT" is designed and created to make your BlackBerry look more stylish and unique. with the Unique and Stylish Clock ( 2 tones colour font of clock ) and PORSCHE DESIGN ICONS SET for your BlackBerry OS7, 1st done ever on BlackBerry Themes ready to dress up your beloved Blackberry devices.
Version: 1.2
File Size: 2 MB
Compatible: BlackBerry Bold 9900, 9930, and 9981

Would love to know how do you feel of the "Beat Elegant" Themes as a review.
Unique clock ( 2 tones font colors ) and 12hours or 24hours style are perfect!
Wallpaper friendly
Custom Battery
Custom Signal
Clean, fast, functional, stylish and easy to use
-We strongly reccomend a REBOOT/RESTART once your theme has activated or installed.
-OS7 themes are currently in Beta, so any issues encountered will be fixed rapidly via updates.
-The Calling screens are the default one and you may encounter other bugs that will be fixed as soon as possible
-All screenshot wallpapers are for illustration only or to describe this theme is wallpaperfriendly, they are not included in the themes.
-Please make sure that you select the right device and OS version (to check your OS go to Options- About).
-Please see the screenshot and check the features info 1st before purchasing because we don't accept any personal modification or request.
-Subsequent claims can not be taken into account! Also check screenshots first and then select the theme you want! Screenshots can be found in BlackBerry® App World™.
-Remember to perform a battery pull after installing a new theme.
-You MUST have a data plan/internet access on your BlackBerry in order to install themes.