Tag: bold Taste paper
Overview :
free Taste paper 99xx bold themes
This new version of the theme is Light Rain and I do share a few days ago. : D Light Rain v2.0 added the new icons, 3 buttons on the home screen is also added when you click (or scroll right) will show the other buttons. I've put a lot of effort to code the slider + resize all the icons ... but with BlackBerry, nothing is impossible. And here again is something special going free.
Alt + W or Alt + e to change the background banner bright or dark
Alt + X or Alt + c to show or hide the pieces of paper + current owner
0 (0) to the sms
$ For the selected Profile
f to on Facebook
s to the Search
i so on Twiter
r for the Ring Tones
ESCAPE to the icons in original location
To modify our content to Options> Display> Message on Lock Screen.
Supported Blackberry Cellphone Models Devices:
BlackBerry Bold 9790/9900/9930/p'9981 OS7.0 / 7.1