Tag: bold 9900 themes Love Paris
Overview :
The sweet stlyle Theme - Love Paris , more suitable for girls, choosing application icon will have a little red at the bottom of the bus.
size: 1.53 mb
model: bold 9900, 9930, 9981
* Homescreen/Lockscreen are completely customized. It use SVG. (Portrait/Landscape).
* Wallpaper Friendly (You can change the wallpaper and it will still look awesome!).
* Battery & Signal meters are customized and given in numbers from 0 to 100.
* It uses Clean set of unique of icons made by BBFreaks and they are same color as the theme.
* Media Player background and the buttons are customized.
* Folder background is customized.
* Compass background is customized *Works only on O.S. 7.0 / 7.1*.
* The theme runs smoothly on every BlackBerry® Device.