Tag: Blue Orbs
Overview :
Blue Orbs 99xx bold Theme
'Blue Orbs' is soothing theme that relaxes you mind and mood. This theme reflect the prosperous of modern city life. Soothing and pleasant color of this theme will give a nice look to your device.
1. High quality background pictures for vertical and horizontal directions. No stretch on background when the phone is in horizontal view
2. Clean and beautiful New Os7 Icons
3. Separate images for vertical and horizontal theme elements. No stretch on interface elements when the phone is in horizontal view
4. No unwanted Web-link icon on your home screen
5. Beautiful focus
6. Universal Search works perfectly
7. Well tested and adjusted for easy to use and best performance
8. Custom Incoming Call Screen
9. Custom In Call/Outbound Screen
10. Awesome looking lock screen
Please download, install and Enjoy!!!!

BlackBerry support model: 9900 9930 p9981
Thanks and hope you enjoy!