Tag: Magical Footprints
Overview :
Magical Footprints 99xx bold themes
Lovely magical theme with footprints and stars! All in purple!!! Super sweet...
This theme will change for completely the appearance of your Homescreen, BBM, Media Player, Icons and a LOT MORE!
* The homescreen/lockscreen are completely customized. The theme uses SVG. (Portrait/Landscape).
* You can change the wallpaper and the theme will still look awesome!
* BBM customized. (Delivered icon, Read icon and more customized)
* The battery & the signal meters are customized.
* Unique amazing icon set made by BBFreaks.
* The media player is customized.
* The folder background is customized.
* The compass background is customized**
* The theme runs smoothly on every BlackBerry® Device.

BlackBerry support model: 9900 9930 p9981
Thanks and hope you enjoy!

BlackBerry support model: 9900 9930 p9981
Thanks and hope you enjoy!