Tag: 9900 themes G3
Overview :
free G3 theme for BB 99xx, 9320, 9220 os7.x
Hot Key :
* alt + i - Display dock
* alt + o - Hide dock
* alt + 7 - Display dock (for pearl)
* alt + 8 - Hide dock
* tab battery - display dock (for torch)
* tab signal - hide dock
* s - Universal search
* $ - Profile
* alt+1 - manage connection
Warning for BlackBerry OS 7 device :
* Because Theme Builder BlackBerry OS 7 has not yet been released
* the icons in folders will NOT show.
* If the icons in folder not show after apply theme
* set default theme and move to out of the folder
BlackBerry support model: 9900 9930 p'9981, 9310, 9320, 9220
Thanks and hope you enjoy!

BlackBerry support model: 9900 9930 p'9981, 9310, 9320, 9220
Thanks and hope you enjoy!