Tag: 10 Plus 7 Ramadan
Overview :
10 Plus 7 Ramadan for blackberry 99xx themes
model: 9900, 9931, 9981
FREE Edition of 10 pLus 7 Ramadan By EC!
model: 9900, 9931, 9981
FREE Edition of 10 pLus 7 Ramadan By EC!
In FULL PAID Version you will be able to change the wallpaper and it will look awesome and also customized icons,colors and MORE!!!
To get the FULL PAID Version of this theme go to http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/58883773/?lang=en&countrycode=IN
Because the official Theme Builder Software for BlackBerry® OS 7 has not yet been released,
the icons/applications in your designated folders will NOT show.
Don't worry, this doesn't mean they have uninstalled.
It is simply a bug due to no Theme Builder and there will NOT be a way around this until it's release.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Move all icons/applications to home screen. Or use a hot key app like Quick Launch, MyOwnHotKeys etc.
Also, you can always use the Universal Search option on your BlackBerry® to find the desired application.
**hot Key** (In full paid version only)
display short cut menu - "alt+1"
hide short cut menu - "Escape"
NOTE: Due to Lack of Theme Builder 7 Calling Screens are not Customized for OS 7 Devices
*. Customized Stunning Home screen
*. Beautiful Colorful Icons set
*. Customized battery meter & Signal meter
*. Wallpaper Friendly
*. Beautiful Font which suitable for theme