Tag: bold 9900 themes Evolution
Overview :
Quickly theme: Evolution for 99xx bold themes -- This theme is used quickly, messages, contacts, phone records, time setting, scene, camera, pictures, and so on appear on the home page with its lovely words or ICONS, very convenient.

Theme support BlackBerry 9900, 9930, p9981 running OS7.0
4 Сustom icons
15 Locked quick access icons
Weather slot
16 HotKeys
Background on all screens
All application icons
Menu colors, highlights, alert icons and buttons
Fonts and colors
Profile icons
Hotkey list:
c: Calender
e: Messages
f: FaceBook
i: Pictures
l: Lock device
m: MySpace
r: App World
s: Universal Search
t: Twitter
u: Music
w: Task
v: Videos
x: Maps (BlackBerry®)
y: Manage connections
p: SMS
0: Profiles