Tag: bears Sweet 9360 themes
Overview :
Sweet Bears Theme for BB 9360,9350,9370,9620 themes
size: 857 kb
model: bb 9360,9350,9370,9620

Sweet Bears is an adorable theme for your BlackBerry®. It has hand drawn icons that bounce.Designed with high clarity backgrounds.and its wallpaper friendly.what are you waiting for?grab it now and don't forget to leave a review
- Clean style and Wallpaper friendly
- HD (High Definition) Background
- Customized Call Screen
- Low file size
- Landscape support for Torch devices To activate the theme after succesfully
downloading: Navigate to Options - Theme
- Select the desired theme and activated. To uninstall a theme please delete it in the application list. To know more about our Free Themes Follow us on http://twitter.com/krestmedialabs 100 % Satisfaction Guaranteed from Krest Media Labs.If you are facing any problems contact our support team at krestmedialabs@gmail.com