Tag: 9220 themes 9320 themes 9310 themes
Overview :
3D Round One for Blackberry 9220,9310,9320 themes (Free Trial)
* Exclusive license by the author,people who turn pick please indicate :
from BlackberryRC.com
* Pay version please click here to buy:

Support Devices: 9220, 9310, 9320 os7.0 themes
One of the Round Series (Round Two & Round Three)
Main Features:
1. Classic icons from Blackberry OS5
2. 6 icons in the homescreen with animated 3D layout(user-defined)
3. One weather Slot(Under English Input: +/- = show/hide)
4. Pefect Asia language support
5. Extra hotkeys:
w=manage connections;
$=sms($ key must set to US dollar)
+/-=show/hide weather slot
There are two other themes in this series,Round Two with OS6 icons and Round Three with OS7 icons, don't forget to check them out :)
I'm open to suggestions and complainment. If you find bugs or have ideas,feel free to let me know. Let's make a perfect theme together! if you like it, don't forget to rate it ;)
Theme support : theme.almostdone#gmail.com or twitter
One thing OS7 users have to know before you purchase or rate it:
All app in the folders(game,media,im .etc) will be invisible, it's a bug caused by themebuilder, and these's nothing I can do until RIM release an official themebulider for OS7.
You can move the apps to the homescreen folder or use hotkey,universalsearch,or software like quicklauncher to launch them.