Tag: bold 9900 themes 9930 themes Meego
Overview :
free Meego demo theme for blackberry 9900, 9930 os7.0 themes download
size: 853 kb
model: 9900,9930

###First Downloader Discount: 60%off###
Special discount for the first 100 downloader, after the theme reaches 100 downloads, it will rise to the full price $4.99.
The updates in the future are 100% free.
1.Custom homescreen with hidden dock (6 customizable icon,application 2~7);
2.Special designed homescreen font,wallpaper friendly;
3.One weath slot on homescreen (application 1);
4.Full custom app icon set (meego style);
5.Custom lock screen;
6.Custom bluetooth,battery,wifi, icon;
7.Perfect Asian language support;
Extra hotkeys:
3.z=manage connection
5.$(US dollar)=sms
7.alt+i,alt+o=hide&show weather slot(9790: touch the weather icon position )
8.trackpad(ball) up&down=hide&show homescreen dock(9790:touch the bottom of the screen )
if your device is not on the support list, don't worry it will come soon, i'm working on it. Follow my twitter @almostdone2012 to know my latest progress.
I'm open to suggestions and complainment. If you find bugs or have ideas,feel free to let me know. Let's make a perfect theme together! if you like it, don't forget to rate it ;)
Theme support : theme.almostdone@gmail.com or twitter
One thing OS7 users have to know before you purchase or rate it:
All app in the folders(game,media,im .etc) will be invisible, it's a bug caused by themebuilder, and these's nothing I can do until RIM release an official themebulider for OS7.
You can move the apps to the homescreen folder or use hotkey,universalsearch,or software like quicklauncher to launch them.