Tag: my blackberry JesusNF Media
Overview :
JesusNF Media apps for my blackberry Classic
Our Chief Pastor, A.J. Joseph has experience of over 30 years for 2014 in his ministry. He is married and having four children. He was led to a church in Sri Lanka through the Holy Spirit, where he commenced his services with a smaller amount of people with a tambourine in a small room. Currently, his Ministry has grown into very large numbers, by the Grace of God. Pastor Joseph spends more time in prayer on his knees, led by the Holy Spirit. God has showered Thy blessings to Pastor Joseph through Spiritual Gifts such as Healing, deliverance from demonic spirits, Gift of Tongues, Prophecy, Evangelical Ministry and spiritual church.
Supported Blackberry Cellphone Models Devices:
BlackBerry Classic
BlackBerry Q5
BlackBerry Z10
BlackBerry Z3