Tag: s4bb Learn Langua
Overview :
S4BB Limited has updated their popular Learn Apps Learn Spanish, Learn Chinese, Learn French, Learn Italian and Learn English to native BlackBerry® 10 versions! These apps are perfect for anyone who does not have the time or money to afford expensive language courses, by providing easy to understand lessons that can be learned anywhere and at anytime. The apps come with these features:
Up to 400 self-contained audio lessons (Learn Chinese)
Lessons range from 'Newbie' to 'Advanced' level
Short, effective and fun
Lessons can be paused to be resumed later
Easy to understand, useful phrases and dialogues
Lessons can be cached to be played without an internet connection
Only on BlackBerry 10®: Lesson Notes allow users to take notes for each lesson
The Language Apps are compatible with BlackBerry® Z10, Z30, Q5, Q10 & P'9982 Smartphones and BlackBerry® Legacy OS 5, 6 & 7. The applications can be downloaded at BlackBerry World™.