Tag: s4bb Learn French
Overview :
This weekend S4BB Limited has a special discount for BlackBerry® users, who want to learn how to speak French: Learn French is on sale for just $0.99!
Learn French is the perfect application for users who want to learn French but don't have the time or budget to take classes. The app offers this great variety of features:
107 self-contained audio lessons to choose from
Lessons range from 'Newbie' to 'Advanced' level
Short, effective and fun
Lessons can be paused to be resumed later
Easy to understand, useful phrases and dialogues
Lessons can be cached to be played without an internet connection
Users can easily learn French anywhere, at any time
Head over to BlackBerry World™ to get Learn French today for just $0.99!
Learn French is compatible with all BlackBerry® 10 Smartphones, PlayBook™ version 2.0 and above and Legacy OS 4.6.0 or higher. The app can be downloaded at BlackBerry World™