01-24 iSimple theme for 97xx, 9650, 93xx os6 download freeiSimple theme for 97xx, 9650, 93xx os6 download Hot Key : * alt + i - Display menu * alt + o - Hide menu -------------------------------- * alt + 7 - Display menu (for pearl) * ... more
01-09 Mac OS X 1.1.6 for bb 97xx,93xx,9650 themes Mac OS X 1.1.6 for bb 97xx93xx9650 themes THEME DEscriptION: other wallpaper : http://www.blackberryrc.com/blackberry-wallpapers/ **hot Key** universal search - s profile - $ man... more
01-05 Happy New Year 2014 for BB 93xx,9650,97xx themes Happy New Year 2014 for BB 93xx,97xx themes Hot Key : * s - Universal search * $ - Profile * alt+1 - manage connection For more themes wallpaper : * http://www.blackberryrc.com/blac... more
11-13 free G3 theme for BB 9800,97xx,9650,93xx,91xx os6 free G3 theme for BB 980097xx965093xx91xx os6 Hot Key : * alt + i - Display dock * alt + o - Hide dock -------------------------------- * alt + 7 - Display dock (for pearl) * alt + ... more
04-09 Colors 6 Free themes (9800,93xx,97xx,9650 os6) Colors 6 Free themes (9800,93xx,97xx,9650 os6) --Elegant conveys perfect design, ideal and very simply navigation! With smooth transitions and well thought out usability aspects, ge... more
11-12 BGT Churp theme ( 93xx curve os6 ) The cute theme - BGT Churp which is simple and easy to use ; Contracted and relaxed, friendly wallpaper, hope you like them. This was specifically designed for the 93xx series runni... more
08-18 Doodle Duck Ninja for 93xx curve themes Doodle Duck Ninjafor 93xx curvethemes - A stunning doodle theme telling a legendary story about a duck ninja!~ We could review the ranger life of the duck at Incoming Call Screen, C... more
08-06 Great Weapons 9300, 9330 curve os6 themes Great Weapons 9300, 9330 curve os6 themes - Great Weapons Theme - guns backgrounds has been made with high quality graphics and smooth icons Get this awesome Great Weapons Theme to ... more