Tag: Theme
Overview :
The popular Theme application by S4BB Limited has received a major update. Theme is the application to bring one's own touch to the BlackBerry® 10 homescreen by allowing users to customize it with more than 80 themes and 40+ pre-loaded wallpapers. The app now provides all of these features to its users:
Customize one's homescreen with:
80+ themes (50 free themes & 30 premium themes)
40+ pre-loaded wallpapers
NEW: 15 new wallpapers added through the update
own pictures
NEW: App size reduced by 90%
NEW: Screen usage at wallpaper and theme selection maximized to 100%
NEW: Optimized & streamlined theme creation process
NEW: Update section to show future themes that will be released
Theme is compatible with BlackBerry® Z10, Z30, Q5, Q10 & P'9982 Smartphones and is available for FREE at BlackBerry World™.