Tag: playtomo
Overview :
playtomo 5.40 for blackberry games
playtomo is a collection of games to share with your friends. More than 25 games and extra modes: Tons of fun!
- games that you pick-up easily but can't turn off
- Compare your score with your facebook friend!
And now comes the great new version we were longing for:
- 2 brand new games, Moofall and Simon the Sheep
- no less than 3 new modes for Planktoon, Words and Solitaire
- a direct link to our fan page, for sharing tips, tricks and enjoyable comments
- last but not least tasteful radishes...
Aren't you curious? Get this new version and you will know...
Version: 5.40
File Size: 4 MB
supported devices: 8xxx, 9xxx
