Tag: Easy Riser
Overview :
Easy Riser is the only alarm clock that maximizes your sleeping time while ensuring you’re never late. No more waking up at 5am to check the traffic and weather. (And no more getting stuck in traffic because you forgot to!) We’ll make sure you have as much time as you need, every morning — no matter the road conditions.
Easy Riser uses real-time traffic and weather reports to give you JUST ENOUGH time in the morning to get where you’re going. If conditions are bad, our alarm will wake you up earlier. If conditions are fine, our alarm will let you sleep in.
“Is this real life???” — yes. You are about to download the world’s smartest alarm clock.
-Weather: Rain, fog, snow, frost
-Traffic: good, medium, bad, Canadian winter bad
-Transit: bus, subway, metro, train
-Music: rock, classical, mariachi? We support all songs in your library. (Even Nickelback ;)
Supported Blackberry Cellphone Models Devices:
KEYone, Priv, DTEK60, DTEK50, Motion