Tag: keyone apps Brevent
Overview :
Brevent app for blackberry keyone, priv model
[What's Brevent]
[What's Brevent]
There are a lot of apps which claim to prevent apps from running. However, most of them requires ROOT, or do a system modification via Xposed or patching or unlocked bootloader.
Brevent can app-standby or force-stop apps, prevent apps from running in long time. It doesn't require ROOT, nor modify system. Furthermore, it may doesn't work well on ROOT or modified system. There is an experimental feature to start Brevent Server without adb, please read guide - permissions.
Brevent supports Android 5.0 to Android 8.0, requires "USB debugging" in "developer options". I mainly used it on Google Pixel with Android 8.0.0.
[Android O]
In Android O, Brevent won't work if debugging is off or usb mode is changed. If debugging turns off when you unplug the cable, please run `adb tcpip 5555` to turn on network debug, then unplug the cable.
[Simple Guide]
0. (Device) open Brevent, read "Guide"
1. (Device) open Brevent, navigate to "Developer Options", turn on "USB debugging"
2. (PC) Download ADB: https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools.html
(If you live in China, you can download it here too: https://developer.android.google.cn/studio/releases/platform-tools.html)
3. (PC) Uncompress, navigate to "platform-tools" directory in Command Line, refer to "Guide - ADB"
4. (PC and Device) connect device and PC with usb cable, type "adb devices" in PC Command Line, and confirm the authorized dialog on Devices if needed
5. (PC) type "adb -d shell sh /data/data/me.piebridge.brevent/brevent.sh" in PC Command Line
For any issues, please open an issue at github with logs: https://github.com/brevent/Brevent/issues
1. crash log (in PC's command line): adb -d logcat -d -b crash
2. brevent server log (in PC's command line): adb -d logcat -d -b main -s BreventServer BreventLoader
2.1. enable debug for Brevent Server, type in PC's command line: adb -d shell setprop log.tag.BreventServer DEBUG, then get brevent server log
2.2. disable debug for BreventServer, type in PC's command line: adb -d shell setprop log.tag.BreventServer \"\" (Note for the back slash)
Supported Blackberry Cellphone Models Devices:
KEYone, Priv, DTEK60, DTEK50