Tag: Moon Light Fairies
Overview :
Moon Light Fairies v2.0 ( US$2.99 )
Required Device Software:
Smartphone: 4.7.1 or higher

*** UPDATED v2.0 - Get A Free BlackBerry® PlayBook™***
All you have to do is:
1. Download The Updated Version Of This Theme
2. Write a review for that,
3. And mail us your Name as mentioned in review and theme downloaded to krestmedialabs@gmail.com
to be eligible before end of August, 2012.
Hurry Up !! Limited Time Offer !!!
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Now Totally Customize Your BlackBerry with Colorful Vector Waves
Available for
Devices Running on 4.7,5.0,6.0 and + All OS 7 Models
- Clean style and Wallpaper friendly
- HD (High Definition) Background
- Customized Call Screen
- Low file size
- Landscape support for Torch devices
To activate the theme after succesfully downloading: Navigate to Options - Theme - Select the desired theme and activated. To uninstall a theme please delete it in the application list.
To know more about our Free Themes Follow us on http://twitter.com/krestmedialabs
100 % Satisfaction Guaranteed from Krest Media Labs.If you are facing any problems contact our support team at krestmedialabs@gmail.com