Tag: Carousel7 torch themes
Overview :
Carousel7 for blackberry bold, torch themes
Required Device Software:
Smartphone: 5.0.0 or higher
Feel the difference! (CAROUSEL Navigation, 1st done ever on BlackBerry®)
Neither Horizontal nor Vertical navigation but its CAROUSEL navigation (RING/ROTATION) 360 degree rotation icons on your BlackBerry® homescreen.
Compatible for OS 5 and OS 6 devices only.
Would love to know how do you feel of the Carousel7 Themes as a review.
♦ 6 customizable icons
♦ Carousel / Ring / Rotation Navigation effect
♦ Wallpaper friendly
♦ Clean, simple & professional
♦ Fast and snappy
♦ Small file size
For Touch devices (9800,9500)
Support landscape mode.
All features on potrait mode work perfectly on landscape mode.
100 % trackpad supports ( 9800 )
Check out other Walker Themes at :
Our Bestselling & Recommended Themes :
HeartBeat PINK SEVEN Themes - Unique Clock (OS 7 icons)
HeartBeat SEVEN Themes - Unique Clock (OS 7 icons)
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-Please make sure that you select the right device and OS version (to check your OS go to Options- About).
-Please see the screenshot and check the features info 1st before purchasing because we don't accept any personal modification or request.
-Subsequent claims can not be taken into account! Also check screenshots first and then select the theme you want! Screenshots can be found in BlackBerry® App World™.
-Remember to perform a battery pull after installing a new theme.
-You MUST have a data plan/internet access on your BlackBerry in order to install themes.
