Tag: Glamorous
Overview :
Very Glamorous Blackberry Theme
Required Device Software:
4.6.0 or higher

--------- ATTENTION ----------
FULL OS6.0 SUPPORT. Include 9800/9780/9700/
--------- IMPORTANT ---------
Very Glamorous Theme will be found under Options icon - Themes
NOT will be available on the Download Folder
Reboot your device after activate the theme.(Battery pull)
This theme is from ale7714 Designs you can search for more
of our themes on the App World by searching for ale7714 or
you can go to ale7714designs.com
Very Glamorous Theme is a stylish, clean, girly theme with a
professional look fully customized with high quality wallpapers
and modified to ensure easy reading and using. The theme has
glossy pink icons and the menus dialogs are semitransparent.
Also you'll find a lot of pink details all over the theme that
make the theme very feminine and the Hidden Today feature make
the theme useful to those who wants quick acces to their latest
messages or appoinments.
* Glossy pink BlackBerry® style icons.
* Pink wallpapers specially made for the theme.
* Wallpapers of high quality and edited for readability.
* Hidden Today Feature (Except for the last icon on the HomeScreen,
which let you to get access to the top Profile icon).
* The theme is optimized to avoid lags or battery lost.
* The Home screen icons order is customizable.
* Transitions (Only for OS4.7.1 and above).
* All details of the theme have been carefully customized.
* Technical support.
--------- ATTENTION ---------
If you need help or have problems with the theme, PLEASE
contact us instead of giving a bad review because WE CAN
HELP YOU QUICKLY and you'll enjoy your theme.
Email: ale7714designs@gmail.com
---------- MORE ABOUT US ------------