Tag: Storm 9500 themes wow war3
Overview :
Today I will introduce a special BlackBerry theme about warcraft to you. Many friends around us like playing the World of Warcraft. So I am sure you will like this BlackBerry theme. This BlackBerry theme is designed about the World of Warcraft. All of the material and ideas are from Wow and War3. All the icons are designed about Warcraft.The main properties of the game are its value of life and mana. That is the most special of this BlackBerry theme. Because the value of life replace the battery and mana replace the signal. If you like playing the game World of Warcraft, don’t miss this BlackBerry theme.

Compatible Devices:
Model: Blackberry 95XX Storm Series (360*480):9500, 9510, 9520, 9530, 9550(Storm2), 9570(Storm3)