Tag: Mille Bornes
Overview :
Mille Bornes os4.5 download
The premise of Mille Bornes is that the players are in a road race. Each race (or hand) is 700 miles long, but the first player to complete that distance exactly has the option to declare an extension in which case the race becomes 1,000 miles. The object of the game is to reach 5,000 points, which normally takes several hands.
Mille Bornes is played with a special deck of cards. There are hazard, remedy, safety, and distance cards. Each hazard is corrected by a corresponding remedy, and is actually prevented from happening in the first place by a corresponding safety. The target distance is reached by playing distance cards.
Note that the Right of Way card is unique in that it protects against both the Speed Limit and Stop hazards.
•Quick Start main screen gets you playing quickly
•Easy, Normal, Hard and Unfair Difficulty Settings
•Colorful Card Designs
•Multiple Card Sets and Backgrounds
•Animated Cards and Cars
•Load and Save your game
•Game Statistics
•Intuitive Interface
•Full TouchScreen support
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