Tag: 9500 themes Mac Leopard
Overview :
free Mac OS X Leopard Theme for BlackBerry 95xx Download
Mac user or not, this is the best Mac OSX Theme for BlackBerry out there yet. Full customization was implemented in making this theme as you can see. An exact replica of your traditional Apple bar has been put right into the theme. Icons are all phenomenal as they all are stock from Leopard.
Great features in this theme include:
Authentic style dock with exact background image used by default in Leopard
Icons on dock smoothly rise as you hover over them to give a similar dock animation effect
Today area for both calendar and messages
Color scheme for selections, confirmation buttons, and even multi-select are using identical Finder color shades.
Special thanks to the folks over at Obstacles Can Kill for creating and providing this great theme. The OTA link can be found below the screen shots.


model: Blackberry 9500, 9510, 9520, 9530, 9550