Tag: bold Green curve tour 96xx 89xx 9700 Slick
Overview :
Slick Green v1.0 Theme for blackberry 89xx,96xx,9700 os5.0 download
This theme is a slick, green theme for the blackberry bold that has an entirely customized home screen. On the home page, there is a hidden dock(escape key or button to hide/ space to show) with 6 icons to go along with a black and green background. Additionally, all the icons are green as well as the focus buttons and highlight bars.
Fast, quick theme
Hidden Dock with 6 icons(esc key to hide/ space to show)
Black and green background
Compatible Devices
BlackBerry: Bold 9650, Bold 9700, Curve 8900, Curve 8910, Curve 8930, Curve 8980, Tour 9630