Tag: 9800 apps 9850 apps BeSilent
Overview :
BeSilent v1.0.82 for blackberry 9850 apps
BlackBerry: Bold 9000, Bold 9650, Bold 9700, Bold 9780, Curve 8330, Curve 8350i, Curve 8520, Curve 8530, Curve 8900, Curve 8910, Curve 8930, Curve 8980, Curve 9300 3G, Curve 9330 3G, Pearl 9100 3G, Pearl 9105 3G, Pearl Flip 8220, Pearl Flip 8230, Storm 9500, Storm 9530/9530T, Storm2 9550/9520, Style 9670, Torch 2 9810 / 9850, Torch 9800, Tour 9630
*** Mute alerts notifications by schedule, events, appointments or defined time period. ***
Are you tired of switching BB profiles - loud, silent, even turning on bedside mode in the night? Then BeSilent is for you. Just let BeSilent know for how long you don't want to be bothered.
But that's just a beginning. What beSilent does as well - it can configure your Blackberry behavior in the cradle. Do you leave your BB cradle on your bedside table? Program your BB to lower the back light, turn off ring tones etc. to have a silent night, but not losing that important message or call that must get through to you.
You keep your cradle on you desk in the office and don't want to be bothered with office calls at home? Program your BB to start receiving calls when you put it in the cradle. Take your life back. Your BB should be your tool, not your hog.
Main features:
+ Scheduler mode
+ Craddle mode
+ USB charging mode
+ Disable alerts for defined time period
+ Disable alerts until end of selected appointment
+ Multilanguage UI: English, Russian, Chinese
PLEASE NOTE: This is not profile switcher. This is a powerful silencer.
If you interested in translation to your language, feel free to contact the author of BeSilent.