Tag: Beholder
Overview :
Beholder Free apps for blackberry android phones
You decide what happens: Every decision you make affects the way the story unfolds. All that matters are the choices you make when you interact with the game's characters. Even a seemingly minor decision can have disastrous consequences. So think twice and choose wisely!
People aren't just objects: Each character you meet will have a thoroughly developed personality with his or her own past and present. This myriad of characters creates a unique labyrinth of relationships in which you must communicate with others and then decide what your next steps will be. Essentially your relationships with others form a puzzle you must solve.
No decision is easy: If you are given the power to destroy the privacy of another person should you? Or should you treat those on which you are spying the way they deserve? Then again who decides what anyone deserves? What if two people deserve to be saved but one has to go? Who will you choose? Is there such a thing as a lesser evil?
You don't know where you'll end up: "Beholder" is a game of multiple endings. Although you'll always have enough information to make a wise decision there will always be something about you which you might be unaware. "Beholder" is no beautifully calibrated virtual reality! It is life! And it is real!
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